395 Cycle Park

395 Cycle Park
395 Cycle Park
Sunday April 13, 1975
By: Desert Flora
Gentle rain for a few days and a couple snowfalls during the Easter vacation gave the mile course super traction for the 130 riders at 395 Cycle Park's second Sunday MX.
The day was sunny, warm, and so clear you could see the Ridgecrest caravan beginning their attack on the locals. They ripped off one third of the trophys and left a warning they would return. You can bet the locals will be out practicing Saturdays.In separate High School competition, Victorville socked it to Kennedy 5478 to 4640 for the race day High School Hi Point Award and gained an edge in their lead over Apple Valley for the B and B Yamaha Perpetual Award.
Victorville team captain Jay Burgum totaled the most points followed by Tyrone Brown, Charlie Mazzei and Kevin Garlick. Captain Rod Zeliff scored three firsts and 1200 points in the 100 Novice class for Kennedy followed by Speedy Steven Chavez in the 100 Beginner class with 1100 points. Speedy Steven got his graduation card to the Novice ranks along with Jetter McAlpin, John Hailslip, Dan McNeilly, and Gary Jackson.
One of the closest races of the day was between 250 Yamahas commanded by Novices Gale Tyler and Mike Whitman. When Jumpy John, the smiling starter, gave the green flag, it was Mike taking the lead on the mile course until lap three when Gale grabbed it and held it ahead of hard-driving Mike and Terry King aboard a Suzuki.
In Open Novice competition, John Gibbs ripped off first with a set of three wins for the purple 20" trophy.
The battle for second was hot as the third moto started with Kevin Moore from Victorville and Bob Lucke from Chino each having six points. Lucke held first place for two laps until Gibbs grabbed it from the T.T. and half mile racer, leaving second for Lucke and third for Moore.
The 250 Amateur class was dominated by Hesperia Hotshoes but Don May took the critical third moto after he and Ron Reincholdson were tied in points.