Escape Country
Escape Country
Sunday April 6, 1975
By: Fred Klugman
It was a wet cold Sunday morning. Snow was falling in the hills surrounding Escape Country as the riders began arriving for pre-race practice.
The track was raceable but still pretty sloppy from the rains which had fallen the night before.
Rider turnout was thin, quite un¬derstandable considering the weather conditions. When the first race began it wasn't raining at all, but the threat was most definitely there. In the first moto, featuring all the Open class riders, bikes were slipping and sliding and going down all over the muddy track.
Then it happened. Torrents of rain began pouring down flooding the track and turning it into a complete mess. Many of the racers loaded up their bikes and headed for home, but many also remained.
Escape country officals polled the remaining riders to see if they'ed rather race or run. It was racing they wanted, and racing they did attempt. The track was bad however, and most fell victim to mud clogged or drowned out engines, while others became mired in the mud and couldn't get out.
By the time the rain shortened race program concluded less than one-third of the starters even crossed the finish line.