Hilltoppers M.C. Escape Country Grand Prix

The 500 Expert class rockets off the line for the ECRA-Hilltoppers Grand Prix, held out at Escape Country. Burdick photo.
Indian Dunes
Saturday February 15, 1975
By: Ina Blythe
The Hilltoppers M.C. chose the rugged back country of Escape Country for their first Annual Grand Prix. Living up to their name, "Hilltoppers" they plotted a gruelling course over the demanding hills and rough terrain that took the toll of many strong bikes and wore down the strenth of many accomplished riders.
Saturday dawned bright and clear with the evidence of the previous rains gone, and a promise of fair skys and a course in great shape. The club members had laid out a difficult but "Fun" course covering 5.3 miles, some of which included what is known as the DeSoto Moto course, taken in reverse, plus some switch-backs on the side of the hills you wouldn't believe. One section must have been a least a quarter mile up hill with a sharp right-hander at the crest and straight back down hill for another quarter mile with a couple good jumps thrown in, before curving off toward the back country and out of sight of the spectators, again to appear on the back ridge, working their way down toward the sandwash, but having to take a twenty foot drop off route first which was the undoing, and unloading of several riders. The club provided flagmen throughout the whole route which did a fine job. Also the IRRC was on hand with three radio vehicles plus their off road ambulance unit and First Aid station. These fellow did a great job in the two days running, the ambulance truck went out only three times and was at the scene of a crash within four minutes over the 5.3 mile course. Our thanks to these hard working guys, from greatful riders and worried Moms!
AMA-MX at Spillway Park

This factory looking bike heads for the lead off the start at the District race at Spillway Park in Santa Maria. Czerwinski photo.
Spillway Cycle Park
Sunday February 16, 1975
By: William P. Czerwinski
Even though the Experts put on a good show for the day let it not be said that the 100 Intermediates didn't do as well Moto one it was Rick Davis of Lompoc on a Yamaha that flew into the lead and held them all back for 20 minutes. Moto two was different. Andy Montijo of Huron on a Honda seemed like it was his turn to run the lead. Rick was about fifth but moved in behind George Gallindo of Santa Barbara on a Suzuki and Andy, with Jim Kringlen of Santa Maria on a Yamaha right behind. Rick got by George and was right behind Andy for a few laps it looked as if Rick would have to settle for a second as Andy was on the gas and George Gallindo was not slowing down. A few laps later Andy hit the berm of the new river bed turn and his bike stopped dead. Rick got caught and George went by, Rick passed George to take over the lead only to hit the river bed berm and it was George's turn to take over the lead. A lap later it was George's turn to hit what looked like the same berm and Rick took over the lead with Jim Kringlen right behind. Rick went on to win the moto with Jim second. Read More...
CMC-MX at Irwindale Raceway

Luke Messer was showing just how fast he could ride a 400 Maico out at Irwindale as he copped the money in the 500 Pro class. Photo by Buzz.
Irwindale Raceway
Friday February 21, 1975
By: Buzz Baty
I'm getting a little bit "cold shy" as opposed to being "gun shy". These last two Friday nights have really been knee-knockers of the first order. I don't know what the effective temperature was, but with the wind, the chill factor had to be down below freezing for the second week in a row.
The foregoing paragraph doesn't have a damn thing to do with the racing, which was superb as usual, but a preparatory excuse in the event that my frozen fingers failed to record what my eyes were seeing. If it wasn't for the strobe light I don't believe I could have felt the Hasselblad go off.
RTMC-MX at Carlsbad Raceway

Ron Turner gets it up and away to a first plara finish in the 125 Pro class out at the RTMC motocross. If he keeps it up, he'll have to apply for a pilot's license. SCENE Photo.
Rolf Tibblin MX
Carlsbad Raceway
Saturday February 22, 1975
By: The Scene & Bonzai Billy
Remember the old days? I'm referring to the golden days of "Another Saturday at Carlsbad". Can you remember AMC south? Dig deep and find the AME Double-Crossers? Remember? Those fat guys chugging around on their Suzuki 400 red-tankers? How about the eight year-old riding a Van-Tech forked DKW? The fat tanked Pentons blowing away the fast DT-2's? The super-squirrel wading and paddling through the mud, never missing a beat, falling flat on his face every single lap, in the mud, slop? Five guys on the starting line for the combined class of 100, 125, 250 Beginner, Novice, Junior, Under 12 Schoolboy class? Remember? Oh I miss those days. Remember those times? Read More...
Saturday Saddleback Motocross Racing

This Maico pilot gets radical while he is trying to make sense out of the Saddleback track. Corley photo.
Saddleback Park
Saturday February 22, 1975
By: Tom Corley
Today was really a beautiful day for racing with a nice blue sky a hot sun however it was pretty windy. A racers would be hauling done a straight away or flying over a jump and the gusty winds would want to make the guy change his line on the track. Read More...
CMC-MX at Indian Dunes

Jim Hale, riding a Kolbe Honda, went out to win this week at the CMC Dunes race, and win he did, as he cleaned out the class. Hatounian photo.
Indian Dunes
Sunday February 23, 1975
By: Chris Hatounian
"I'll take two orders of hot cakes, a couple of fried eggs and some Sambo's
special super sticky syrup."
"Okay sir, will that be all?"
"Yea, that ought to do it."
"Okay, that comes to Sambo's special price of a dollar-eighty".
"Oh, just put it on my motocross racer's tab."
"Your what!"
"My racer tab. You know me don't ya? My name is Jack Keese and I race a Bultaco for the Sambo's Restaurant Association."
"Hey Joe, know a guy who calls himself Jack Keese and races a Bultosta-do in a game called motocross 'racin?"
"Never heard of him".
"Okay Jack, pay the tab or go hungry."
"But I tell you, I am sponsored by you guys and I'm supposed to get free meals."
"Sorry Jack, no deal."
"But but but but but............

The track was in super condition out at Saddleback for the Sunday AMC race. Corley photo.
Saddleback Park
Sunday February 23, 1975
By: Tom Corley
I didn't exactly get off to a great start for the AMC at Saddleback Park race. I hope that everyone else remembered about the new time schedule because I sure didn't. But then again I don't estimate time very well and if I did I wouldn't exactly get to the SCM office at 12:00 a.m. every week. Looks like I better whip on it now and start typing because N. Doe and Harvey are giving me a lift to SCM in Studio City within minutes! Read More...
Huge Crowd Makes Donnie Shearer Benefit a Success - Part 1

Mike Todd is the hole shot king on his new Ossa, here he leads Staten, Jeff Wright John DeSoto, and the rest of the 250 Pro class. Staff photo.
Sage Cycle Park
Sunday February 23, 1975
By: SCM Staff
With an estimated 70 persons present Saturday night for a pre-race kickoff dinner and 2,500 on hand Sunday for the race, the Donnie Shearer Memorial Motocross Race weekend can only be described as a complete success.
A week of prepartion, involving Ted Keep, publisher of SCM; Cliff Urseth, publisher of the Daily Independent in Ridgecrest; Dr. Robert M. Newsom; Jerry Shore, president of AME; and Mike Ayers, president of SPOREC (owners of Sage Park), netted the perfect-almost flawless-motocross benefit race.
The event was supported by the entire business community, citizens, the City of Ridgecrest, Kern County Sheriffs Dept. and California Highway Patrol. With that kind of backing-along with the support of professionals such as Rex Staten, Ray Lopez, Kenny Zahrt, Randy Berkeley, Mike Todd, Jeff Wright, John DeSoto and Jeff Wecker-how could the event fail? The answer was simple, it didn't.
Huge Crowd Makes Donnie Shearer Benefit a Success - Part 2

Rory Holladay preps Rex Staten's bikes. He must have done a good job as both bikes held together and Rex took both classes by storm. Staff photo.
Sage Cycle Park
Sunday February 23, 1975
By: SCM Staff
John Rogers was the overall winner and Steven Schmitz the runner up. George Curnutt (Yamaha) placed third with Mark Urseth i Honda >, in fourth place overall; Joe Romp i Honda), fifth place; and Don Cordle i Honda), sixth place.
Moving on to the lOOcc competition, it was age versus youth, with age and the experience which comes with age, eventually paying off. Overall winner turned out to be 22-year-old Jackey Boone (Harley-Davidson), who aced out Mike Romp, a Suzuki-mounted 12 year old. Romp won the first moto, but Boone came back strong to turn some good riding into the overall victory.