AMA MX at Four Corners Cycle Park

Four Corners Cycle Park
Sunday April 13, 1975
By: John Little
What a change from last week, we had sunshine and perfect track conditions, the crowd was good with lots of riders as well as a real good crowd watching the action. John Cardoza, who has not ridden in two months, lead the Open class off the line, he was looking pretty good on his Yamaha for a short while but begain falling back. Then some rope got tangled up in his back wheel putting him out. Kenny Frost, on his Penton, had the lead now with Husky riding Chip Howell eating all his dirt trying to get by. Well I guess the dirt got him in the eyes because he pulled off for a minute then came back riding real slow just to finish.
So Frost finished first. Then Tom Omelina (CZ) and Howell getting third. I missed who took first for the Amateurs in the first moto, but second place went to Mike Hensel and third to Ron Wosolak both on CZ bikes. In the second race Tom Omelina took the checkered flag ahead of Kenny Frost giving him the overall win. Not trying to make excuses, but Kenny Frost just rode in the 125 class then went right to the line and rode in the Open, two 20 minute motos in a row, he was doing good to hang in for second place. For the day Kenny rode four 20 minute motos, he told me he wanted to get into shape. Boy, that's a rough way to do it. This time for the Amateurs Mike Hensel took first and first overall for the day, in second was Steve Atwood and third went to Ed Andrews (Yam).The first moto for 250 riders, Randy Burns (Yam) had a good lead then tost a chain with about four laps to go, he got it back on and managed to get the third spot. Jeff Mathews (CZ) who was right up there all the way took first and Mike McGowan got second with some real hard riding. You see, Mike's clutch cable broke while sitting on the line, so he said let's see how good this gear box is and took off the line last along with Troy Stallings, who had some trouble also, Troy came up to fifth place, not bad riding Troy.
Anyway Mike's gear box held up for the entire race. The second moto no such luck for Mike. He had a new cable but in the first lap his CZ just quit running. The first moto was won in the Amateur class by Ken Nannenhorn (Yam)and second was Gerald Stewart (Yam). Troy Stallings won the second moto for 250 riders. Jeff Mathews took second place but got the overall first, in third was Dean Stafford (CZ) who got sixth in the first ride. For the Amateurs this time around it was Bounds (Yam), Foster (Hon) second then Lynn Brown.
John Tessitore, riding a D.G Honda, swept both motos, 125 class, without having to look at anyone's back except those he came up on to lap. John rides a bike like he's part of it, always in control. Dennis Curtis, riding a stock Honda and Kenny Frost, on a Honda also, finished in that order behind Tessitore. In the second moto Curtis got the third and Frost second. Tim Daily from Alba Bultaco in Chula Vista was trying out a new 125 Bultaco and did not do bad with a fourth and sixth, Tim rides in the Open class but wanted to try the 125 out.
Jim Wright, (Hon) who has not ridden for awhile, was leading all the Amateur nders until he blew a gear box, looked good for awhile. Joe Santich took his Honda into first for the win, Doug Perry also on a Honda was second. Dan Fritz went down off a jump and as he was picking up his bike wham!! He got punched by Niki Kellogg (Yam) watch those women drivers Dan. Getting another first in the second ride was Joe Santich giving him the overall, second here was Doug Knudson (Hon) and third Kenny Olson also aboard a Honda. Tim Daily might have done better on his 125 Bultaco in the second moto but went down right off the line. Fritz, this was not his day, he lost a rear shock in this moto.
As the Open Novice left the line Tom Hart (Bul) from Alba Bultaco had the lead; while later a gas line slipped off which kept him out long enough to get lapped. In this moto as well as the second one Stefan Bazdorf (Yam) went on to get two firsts, which is getting to be a habit with him. As far as how they finished in the first moto, after first place I believe there is some error some place along the line in scoring, I had Mike Smith (Bul) second and they had number 45. I don't know his name, and I don't know who is right or wrong, I know Mike went around every lap and they have him missing the fourth lap. Well, there was only one man scoring, I believe there should be at least two working at this. You didn't want that brass anyway did you Mike? The second moto Jeff Powell (Mai) was second and Mike Smith got third.
In the 250 Novice class taking two firsts was Rich Baugh (Bul), second in the first moto went to Jim Wigley (Bul) and Jim got third in the second race. CZ riding Joe Castillas bagged third place in moto one. Greg Belgad (Yam) took a second in the last moto. I don't understand what I just said maybe you will. Mike Jordan is another rider who has not been on the track for some time, but today Jordan took his new Honda for a ride getting two first places in the 125 Novice class. Mike Woodruff (Hon) took the second here and Jack Clawson (Kaw) was third. In the second moto Clawson moved up to second place, Nordick (Hon) was third and Woodruff had be happy with fourth.
Well, that's the way it was here at the Corners today, the next AMA race I will be going to will be the 18 of May at Carlsbad 37 and 38 again, Butch Lee and gang hope to see you there. Ron Turner the super 125 Pro rider is without a ride, it would sure be nice to see someone pick him up, he's a winner. You guys don't forget South Bay Every Fridav night.